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We observe that this is a fact which mobilizes strong instinctive registers; these instinctive registers are connected with the activities of the lower levels of consciousness.

The principal considerations regarding death are related to

a) the psychological difficulties presented by the problem of representing and registering oneself as dead, that is, without any registers (see Consciousness, Emotional); and

b) fear of the pain that would arise when one imagines one will continue to have physical registers after death that will correspond to how one's mortal remains or body will be treated.

In both of these cases one assumes that one's registers will not cease with death, and this generates a whole system of illusory images which cause pain and suffering. The physical register of the fear of death is produced entirely by the operation of the imagination in a completely hallucinatory elaboration of what will happen upon one's death. Imagining that after one's death one will continue to have registers of activities is a source of suffering. This suffering is related to the register of possession, to the possession of one's self when faced with losing one's body. The tension related to possession generates suffering. At times, this kind of suffering also happens when one thinks about complete relaxation or definitive dispossession, that is, the total loss of all registers of tension, and the consequent disintegration of the "U' This generates a state characterized by the desire to remain. We find that possession is always at the base of the problem of one's death, just as it is when one considers the death of another person (see Suffering).