Latitude Press

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Humanist publisher in english. Books for a Human World.

Since 1992 Latitude Press has published works by Silo and a growing list of other authors who form part of the expression of the “universal human nation” emerging in our world. This pluralistic approach rests on unlocking the creativity inherent in the converging diversity across our planet, and the growing range of genres and works presented here reflects the vitality of this human current. Like all expressions of Silo’s Message and New Humanism, Latitude Press is a volunteer effort, and all net income is applied to the project of creating a new nonviolent and human civilization.

Today the task of building a human and nonviolent world that corresponds to the aspirations of people becomes more urgent each day. With every area of existence in turmoil, no single genre encompasses the needed breadth. The books in this catalog include both fiction and nonfiction with the unifying thread that each title addresses some facet of the need to connect with our deepest aspirations and express the best within us in both individual and social life toward a “universal human nation.” With titles from Silo (1938-2010), known as “the Sage of the Andes,” and other authors from around the world, these books bring international perspectives that are demonstrating a wide appeal to growing numbers of readers across our increasingly connected planet.

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